It is a while since I explored BBCiplayer and set it up on my Vista home premium laptop, which hasn't a QL emulator. There are two ways to view. Direct from the BBC website, by clicking on a selection, or by downloading and installing iplayer desktop, which I have done. It shows in the program list and a link on the desktop. As well as direct viewing, this program also sets folders to store videos, for replay within a time limit, so one can download and view at leisure without breaks. It is quite a memory overhead, and also put itself in my startup list, so I had to delete that. I have fast Virgin broadband and it runs well.

Bryan H
Thanks Bryan.

I gave up on the iPlayer desktop in the end and viewed direct from the BBC website. Must have been how I ended up viewing in the past when I last used it. I think the main problem must have been the broadband speed issue as it wouldn't play tea time again today (when the speed check showed just 28kbs). Will wait to see if broadband speed goes up again later on and view it then. Failing that will try the technique someone suggested of pausing it to allow itself to get a bit of buffering ahead of the viewing point.

Dilwyn Jones

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