On 3 Feb 2011, at 23:25, Stephen <stephen.me...@virgin.net> wrote:

> I'm afraid I'm one of the apathetic subscribers but will put my head above 
> the parapet to comment
> Having been a Quanta member since close to its inception I am happy to 
> continue to pay my sub.  It's trivial enough to be hardly worth the bother of 
> cancelling the direct debit.  However, I start up a QL emulator (QL2K) just a 
> handful of times a year for a trip down memory lane or to try out a bit of 
> code posted here, where my presence is mostly as a lurker.  It's a long time 
> since I've contributed to the magazine and that is not going to change as my 
> interest in the QL is too small a part of my life nowadays.  I have plenty of 
> other organisations calling on my time.
> Having contributed financially for so many years I am happy for the 
> accumulated funds to be used to subsidise membership or for useful capital 
> projects.  Eventually Quanta will wind up and its remaining funds disbursed 
> to the Red Cross or whatever anyway.  Its functions will continue thereafter, 
> as long as anyone is interested, in this list and the forum and the diversity 
> of websites.
> I will continue to hang around and occasionally interject if only to wind up 
> Tony.  If the Quanta sub rises I may cancel my direct debit.

Well it seems I serve some small function!


(top quoting of course)

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