On 04/02/2011 11:00, Tony Firshman wrote:
Billy wrote, on 4/Feb/11 10:54 | Feb4:
On 03/02/2011 21:23, Tobias Fröschle wrote:
Am 03.02.2011 21:09, schrieb Dilwyn Jones:
his plans for the replacement Qubide (http://omega.webnode.com/ or
http://omega.webnode.com/products/product-1/) - Anybody still in
"Hello readers, there are no news and no plans to develop it further at
the moment. Sorry for that. (20/6/2010)"

Which is quite a pity.


I would venture - more beneficial would be the USB port, lots and lots
of USB HDD out there, floppy drives and other stuff for not much money
(relative) and some of them are Black.

All the best - Bill

.. so will you do the drivers then please (8-)#

The hardware is the easy bit.

USBWIZ has the USB port, but few drivers.


The short answer is no

I would love to if I could but all the drivers I am familiar with are other tractor drivers and forty years of listening on the tractor radio to the Archers,T Wogan et al has done little promote my understanding of Machine code. Binary code I can get my head around but not fast enough to be of any use, similar thing with music, I can read it but not fast enough to play at the same time.

However I think I may still butt in from time to time with a probably less than helpful comment.

But if ever you need a straight furrow drawn - I'm your man (;-)

All the best - Bill

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