For anyone who is following this project:


Build 009 of the driver was completed and tested today. This fully
implements the io.formt trap, meaning that you can now issue the command:




Note: The Ser-USB format routine is much simpler than the QUBIDE original;
it only prompts the user for a total size in Megabytes and the block size
and then does the rest for you.  If the combination of total size and block
size would result in a partition with more than 65536 blocks, the user is
advised and asked to select a larger block size and/or smaller partition


Formatting is also a  background process, meaning that in an S*BASIC session
the FORMAT command completes almost immediately, leaving the drive is
formatted in the background. As Ser-USB doesn't do low-level formatting the
process is as quick as the time it takes to write a new Map and root





(ps Geoff W. - perhaps you could add a footnote to my QL Today article to
reflect this latest news. Thanks.)

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