From memory (as both D-Day MKII and War in the East took account of the difference in these ROMs), the JSU still manages 512x256 pixels, but the graphics characters (founts) are smaller than on the European QL.

It would take me quite some time to get the details again out of the two programs!


On 07/02/2011 15:51, Malcolm Lear wrote:
Hi Dave,

Are you sure it has a vertical resolution of 256? Maybe the video ULA has been replaced with a UK one.


On 07/02/2011 15:14, Plastic wrote:
Hi all,

I have a US (samsung?) QL with JSA ROMs. I have a replacement membrane
coming in a week or so.

1. It has the standard 512x256 resolution, but the font type/size is
different than EU QLs. I am looking for some JM or JS ROMs, but meanwhile, does anyone have an easy way for me to load the UK charset and scaling onto
it? Or a dead QL with JM or JS ROMs they're willing to part with?

2. I'd like to plug it into a monitor. Being in the US, this is less simple.
Any suggestions? I am considering the RGB->VGA converter board, which is
ideal but pricey.

3. I have an assortment of expansions which I will photograph. I do not have manuals for any of this stuff, so when I post the photos, any info would be

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