Hi all,

I know QDOS saves SuperBASIC as plain text, and re-parses and tokenises it
on the fly when you load a program. Is there any functionality or method to
save and load tokenised SuperBASIC? I saved a tokenised program and it was
1/3rd the size and therefore loads much more quickly.

Is there anything to be done with this?

I found it interesting that even saved tokenised, the original EVERYTHING
can be reconstructed by QDOS, down to spacing... It's not lossy.

Also, I remember having a toolkit or RESPR that allowed me to edit
SuperBASIC without line numbers. Can anyone point me towards it now as I do
not remember at all what it was called. I could use the extra screen
real-estate, since I am editing what may well end up being a 32,000 line
SuperBASIC program.

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