Congratulations Adrian. Is this the USBWiz module you are writing the
driver for?

Best regards,

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Adrian Ives <> wrote:
> This morning at 10:50 GMT the latest version of the driver, running under a
> QDOS JM ROM, successfully loaded a file into the MasterSpy editor without
> crashing.  This issue has been bugging me for days, but was finally traced
> to some errant mode swapping code that allowed an IOSS retry to happen when
> the process that was being retried hadn't actually surrendered control.
> Now, all I have to figure out is why an S*BASIC INPUT statement causes a
> hang under QDOS but not under SMSQ . unless the driver's Asynchronous Read
> facility is turned on. ;)
> I'm still planning for a test release mid March, when anyone who has a
> USBWiz that they can connect is welcome to try it out.
> Adrian
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