On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net>wrote:

> Lee Privett wrote:
> > Thanks, I think it is reporting sectors rather than memory as I
> > seem to get twice as much, however it is telling me what I want to know.
> No, it's RAMTOP, i.e. the highest RAM address, but below the RAM are
> the ROMs etc. On a QL you will probably have to subtract 131072 to
> determine the real amount of RAM available.

Then deduct 262144 to find out how much RAM is on the expansion card.
Knowing the intended total RAM, where expansion memory starts, the number of
memory ICs on the expansion card, you can write a nested loop program to do
the following:

Write then read the values 0 (%00000000), 255 (%11111111), 85 (%01010101)
and 170 (%10101010) at each byte.

If it fails reading 0s, a bit is stuck on, 1s a bit is stuck off, but more
obscurely a failure will be for 85 or 170 - adjacent bit separation issue.

Don't expect stability if you write over the OS gubbings typically sitting
in the top IC. Best to store the original value then write it back
afterwards and even that's no guarantee.

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