Tony Firshman wrote, on 13/Feb/11 14:24 | Feb13:
I see Qemulator has moved form geocities.

What link should I use for it?

Found it on Dilwyn's site (ironically hosted by *my* server).

Thanks Dilwyn. Did you realise your brother has now beaten you in the Google rankings, or maybe you are an electrician in Ascot during the week. Nice van (8-)#

Eeek!!! Explains that email I got over Christmas which I thought was spam :-(

There's also a village called Dilwyn in :-)

There's also a namesake of mine writing books about Egyptian archaeology :-| try for a book about Egyptian boats I think...should have tried that,I might have earned a bit more money! know of 177 people with my name in the UK (even a few outside Wales!)

Time to change my name to something rarer like "Tony Firshman" I think ;-)

Dilwyn Jones (the one in Bethesda)

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