Here are some screenshots, taken off the image of an LCD monitor connected
to an Aurora/SGC/superHermes QL:



There will be more pictures of the Ser-USB prototype in the forthcoming QL
Today article.


If the screen layout is not the familiar, homely red, white and black that
you're used to seeing, it's because the windows have been redefined to fit
in the monitor's displayable area. Here's the floppy disk boot program
(ipcextuk_bin is the driver for superHermes & external keyboard):


100 a=RESPR(6000)

110 LBYTES 'flp1_ipcextuk_bin',a

120 CALL a

130 REMark ---

140 REMark Set Windows for Aurora

150 REMark ---

160 WINDOW #0,512,256,0,0 : CLS #0

170 WINDOW #1,490,206,18,12

180 WINDOW #2,490,206,18,12

190 WINDOW #0,490,32,18,218

200 PAPER #1,0 : INK #1,7 : BORDER #1,1,7

210 PAPER #2,0 : INK #2,7 : BORDER #2,1,7

220 BORDER #0,1,7

230 CLS #0 : CLS

240 PRINT "Load Ser-USB Driver?"

250 a$= INKEY$(-1)

260 IF a$ INSTR "yY" THEN

270   a= RESPR(20000)

280   LBYTES 'flp1_ser_usb_bin',a

290   CALL a

300 END IF




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