>Hi all,
>So here's the state of play in designing new QL replacements...
>Peter Graf is bogged down with some issues on his board. It has a decent
>spec but it doesn't currently "work" in a meaningful sense. He has various
>obstacles (working alone) that mean his design will be delayed or not

Where is info available of Peter's project? I would like to know more about 
details and specs ...

>I had a fork in the road moment when discussing emulation on ARM embedded
>boards vs. emulating the 68k in an FPGA. Right now, honestly, the FPGA wins
>and will continue to do so for a few more years (unless the perfect ARM
>board can be bought off the shelf)...

It would be great to have a FPGA based replacement board which fits in the 
original QL case. Is it not possible to use one of the existing projects like 
www.fpgaarcade.com and to adopt the OS??

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