Number 6 is not a proper resolution as you cannot vote for a generalisation.
It is ambiguous. It must be a properly defined motion, eg Increase Membership 
Fees to £20
Whatever is proposed you must be able to say "Ay" or "Nay" to it.

Number 7 is also ambiguous.
If you wish to replace the constitution then the vote must be for a specific 
Each article in the new constitution must be voted on separately. 
There is no need to change the whole constitution, proposals need to be made 
that will change specific articles.
These proposals must then be put to the members who will then accept or reject 
The very idea that the constitution needs to be altered has not been thought 
The committee would do well to use this board to find out just what changes are 
required, or are acceptable.

John Taylor
QL-Users Mailing List

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