A lot of optimism there saying "AFAIK" because, well, saying as far
as you know implies that it might have been released without your
knowledge. Like, OH, THERE IT IS! How likely is that?

C'mon, 'fess up!

All I know about it is what's on my website (ROMs page). "Last unreleased Sinclair OS for QDOS hardware. A 64K ROM which is interesting but not very compatible with 48K QL ROMs, containing the copyright message '(C) 1985 Sirius Cybernetics' ", QDOS v2.05

The original ROM image on there was sent to me by Simon Goodwin IIRC (back in about 2003)..

Phoebus Dokos then got it running on a QLay emulator, with a qlay.rc file like this:

-r c:\roms\tyche-tra.rom
-c fc...@nfa.rom
-l w...@qlay.dir
-l win2@sub2\qlay.dir
-l m...@qlay.mdv
-f 11538.46
Replace the -f with the appropriate one for your machine, says Phoebus.

And that's really all I know about it, sorry.

Dilwyn Jones

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