Lee Privett wrote, on 8/Apr/11 09:35 | Apr8:
Been watching this Horizon programme 
Horizon - Clive Sinclair, the anatomy of an inventor (1989)and I think I have 
now got it sussed (sp?) now

X1 this year, two years time it will be the Sinclair CU - a miniature business 
computer, totally new operating system
with built in programming language(s) for SMEs (black of course) with a 
revolutionary method of saving data wirelessly.
12 months later a games computer, a cut down version of the CU called the CU2, 
the size of packet of cards taking on the PS?
and the XBOX, WII etc., another year later will release the CV2015 an even 
smaller computer games system with less memory, no keyboard,
in two versions, assembled and kit form (kit form will actually be four bits 
you plug together) with a £20 difference in pricing, all under £100.
Following that will be the CV2014 which wont do much at all, after that 
Sinclair will go in to the audio hi fi scene and a
miniature TV which also will not work very well either.

He he - you had me going for a *little* while.

You forgot:

A calculator with a dodgy on-off switch, operating off brain waves
Electronics articles
School projects
Electronic nappies
... and disappearing into his lap-dancer.


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