Morning Martyn,

Off the top of my head at the moment, I'm not running QPC just now ...

Have I missed something obvious, or is it necessary to develop a
standalone app using the PE tools available just to achieve this?
I have a feeling you are right. Unless an app is written for the PE, then the PE won't do much with it.

I remember years ago, ahen I fist installed the PE and WMAN files, nothing happened. I then stared editing some source code - C68 I think - and I CTRL-C'd to the command line to compile my efforts. As ever, there were errors. I CTR_C'd back to the editor.

I remember my shock at seeing the entire window automatically being refreshed for me - this was the PE helping me out!

I think I can use the HOT_KEY system as well to put SBasic programs to sleep in the button frame by, in my case, ALT + dot (or is it ALT+F1? I can't remember at the moment!)

I agree, by the way, that the PE docs are quire hard to follow. I'm currently working my way through them and writing things up in my long running series of articles in QL Today.

IN summary, there are a few things that the PE gives you - non-destructive windows, button frame and so on, but in the main, unless a program is written for the PE, it won't be making much use of the PE itself.

Other opinions will arrive shortly I suspect - probably correcting me! ;-)


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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