On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Martyn Hill <
martyn.joseph.h...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Dear list
> Whilst I suspect that there is no 'simple' way to make an SBasic job work
> with the PE - i.e. able to move #0/1/2 windows and put to sleep in QPAC2
> frame - without going the whole hog of making a PE compliant application,
> but none-the-less wondered if someone could devise and share a basic HowTo
> on the process.

The following can be put in a Basic program:

100 DEFine PROCedure Sloop
110  TYPE_IN "exep button_sleep"&CHR$(10)
120 END DEFine

Now the procedure Sloop will put that program to a button.

The keyword TYPE_IN is part of turbo TK Code.

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