Dear list

I am working on an SBASIC editing tool (initially in SBASIC itself) under SMSQ/E (QPC 2).

I'm currently trying to find my way around the SBASIC (Job0 or otherwise) job area and am confused by the locations of the various areas within the SBASIC job itself.

Here's an example from a fairly long SBASIC daughter job (sorry about the possibly screwed-up spacing):

Area        Length          St       End

Input buf       10         256       266
Token buf        6        1280      1286
Program      23830      123544    147374
Name table    2856       89800     92656
Name list     2889       59848     62737
Variables     4080    -3110136  -3106056
Channels       200     -179720   -179520
Return          24     -790456   -790432
Lines            0           0         0

How is it that some of these areas lie well outside of the traditional SBASIC job area?

I have my own ideas, but hoped someone here (Marcel?) might be able to shed some light on how and where SBASIC is laid-out in SMSQ/E.

Also, the Job 0 pointed-to from the system variables appears to be a 'dummy' job header+job area (640 bytes, regardless of whats loaded in Job 0).

I supoose all I really need to know (beyond satisfying my curiosity) is:

a) Can I rely on the pointers above - from peek_l(\\...) - to find the actual table data? b) Is there a SBASIC job-size stored in any _one_ place (as opposed to adding up the 'Length' bits above)

Thanks for any insights ;-)

Martyn Hill

"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those 
who don't."

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