In the latest issue of gamesTM, page 20, there is an article on the
Raspberry Pi which is basically a £20 pc.
If it comes with Linux, one of the Linux QL emulators (uQLx, QLay for Linux) with it... bingo, a £20 QL.

If it is at the heart of it a PC, it might not be too long before somebody finds a way to put Windows on it, even though that would mean Windows would be on an unsupported platform and Windows would cost more than the "PC" it ran on!

Alternatively, if the Linux on it was capable of supporting WINE or some such "Windows" environment, and the processor is up to it, it might open up possibilities for QemuLator, QPC2 and QL2K for example.

In this case, just think, a £20 system could emulate all our favourite 1980s home computers!

Dilwyn Jones

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