On Aug 18, at 13:43 | Aug18, Geoff Wicks wrote:

> This discussion is becoming an absolute farce.
> !: I changed the subject for a good reason. No one has taken any notice.
> 2: I am told there are no PDF files on my site. Strange, because, with one 
> exception, all the files on the help and advice page are PDF.
> 3: Do we know the difference between a PDF file and a web link? These are two 
> distinct things.
> Let's take them one by one:
> PDF files appear in a frame. There is a good reason for this. A PDF file is 
> part of the website. The PDF is displayed on the screen and people can decide 
> whether they want to download it, print it or just ignore it. When they have 
> finished a simple click takes them to another place on the site.
> There is considerable evidence from the statistics that this type of 
> presentation is encouraging people to browse and look at things that they 
> probably would not look at otherwise.
> Web links take you to another site. Because you are going to another site, 
> there are genuine grounds for criticism for the way I have done this and I am 
> quite happy to make a change. In fact the two YouTube clips do not open in a 
> frame because YouTube does not permit this.
> I suspect that Ralf made a "slip of the tongue" in his original email and 
> that he meant to say web links. Easily done. But can the rest of us please be 
> careful in our terminology,
I had not looked at that page.

Your efforts fail in my Firefox under Mac which is using the default setup.
Your pdfs do not open within the browser (let alone a frame) but get downloaded 
to the "Downloads" folder.
This is how *all* pdfs from every site I use are handled.

I agree with you - it is far better to open within the existing window.
I wonder if there is a method that would work for Firefox/Mac - I would very 
much prefer this.


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