
The great man Steve Jobs has passed on.
It's always sad when someone passes away. Especially so young.

A person would combined good design with new technology.
It depends! Apple kit "looks" good, Apple Macs work extremely well (I'm told) although the Lisa was a bit of a non-starter as I remember. (Like Windows, "stolen" from Xerox's Palo Alto Research Park).

I remember the first time I saw an iPod, it looked good and seemed to work well. I never bought one for the simple reason that Apple sell you things at vastly inflated prices - in my opinion. And many are the sheep that buy Apple because it's Apple - rather than weighing up the alternatives. Designer label collectors. ;-)

The iPhone never did anything for me. The iPad didn't either - especially after they were advertising it showing a particular web site in full display. The website was 100% Flash based and because Steve Jobs has a spat with Adobe, there was no way that Flash would run on his kit!

I predict, however, that Steve was the only man in charge who could make Apple profitable. I rather suspect that the will do what they did last time he "left" - go downhill.

It will take a bit longer this time as the sheep have paid huge sums on money into the bank accounts of Apple. They can afford a few failures now - but they will eventually fail. :-(

Of course, I could be wrong - it happens! ;-)

May he rest in peace. Cancer is a bastard!


PS. The last Apple thing I liked enough to use was the Apple ][. With twin 5.5" floppies - then were the days!

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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