El 19/04/2012 12:00, Bryan Horstmann escribió:
I've had a look at Python too, Malcolm, and found "Python Languages & Syntax
Cheat Sheet". Under basic arithmetic it says "i=a%b e.g. 11%3 > 2" I cannot make
sense of that.

That's the modulus operator, as in C language. The binary operator a%b returns the remainder of the integer division between "a" and "b". It's equivalent to the MOD function in SBASIC.

For example, 11%3 returns 2 because 11 divided by 3 gives 3 and remainder 2.

It's a very powerfull operator to perform modular aritmethic. For example, imagine that you want to calculate fast sine functions, and to to that, you have set up a table with 360 numbers, indexed from 0 to 359. Element with index "i" will contain the sine of "i" (with "i" expressed in degrees).

Then, for an arbitrary (positive integer) angle, you can do something like:

sineofi = sinetable[i%360];

The index expression inside the brackets will wrap around 360, giving you 0,1,2,...,358,359,0,1,....
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