Ade Vickers wrote, on 20/Jun/12 09:45 | Jun20:
pjwitte wrote:

Like reading my bloomin obituary ;)

No, Im alive and QLing, though not actively developing stuff
(for the time being). Knoware is down as I dont have a host.
Tested hosting it on an old laptop via DynDNS, but could get
it to reliably wake up via internet, and didnt think it
worthwhile keeping runing 24/7. Now the laptop's dead :( Im
thinking of getting a cheap-to-run netbook or something, and
might try again. Let you know if or when I get back online.
In the mean time, if you need anything, and know what you
need, let me know.


I have a virtual server which is hosting some other stuff 24/7, I'd be quite
happy to host your domain as well if you like, totally FOC. I don't have a
control panel on it, so it's all Linux command line stuff, if you can handle
that, you'd be welcome. Drop me a line off-list at


... but he probably would not need to use the command line, as he could (S)FTP in I am sure.


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