How much of it now works David?
Do you get a certain amount of the emulator working or does it merely compile 
and not really effectively work

Ta for the beer BTW!

John A

On 11 Jul 2012, at 17:57, Lee Privett <> wrote:

> Has anyone been able to compile uQLx in Linux either the raspberry Pi or any 
> other ARM based processor, following through the reported errors and the 
> included documentation leads me to believe this is where the sticking point 
> is.
> I have tried alternatively to get WINE running on the Pi also, to see if that 
> would be another possible route, also without success. I am a very green 
> newbie to Linux so any suggestions would be appreciated.
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I have obtained the source, but when I try to compile it I am getting 
errors.   I really need to find the time to sort out why!  

Dave Walker

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