On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk> wrote:
> Hmmm. Apple "stealing" something that's been on Sony camera's at least for a
> good while now. Wonder if Sony will sue them? I'm sure Panorama is the Sony
> name for the feature as well, so two birds for Sony there!

I first used software that achieved this result in the mid-90s, so the
patents would have expired and it is surely in the public domain by

Copyright on the actual software packages may last <outrageously long
time> but patents are still reasonable, at 11/14/18/20 years depending
on your jurisdiction.

There was not a phone in the world that looked or worked like an
iPhone before the iPhone, and almost everything is a direct clone
afterwards. Samsung was the worst transgressor because they started
cloning it even before its release, due to their having access to the
parts since they were subcontracted to manufacture the first iPhone.

Also, the idea of Sony suing anyone after they *installed a rootkit on
my PC* just because I listened to an audio CD....

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