I think those last two sudo commands (steps 3 & 4) should be:

sudo raspi-config


On 19/09/2012 15:37, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> On 19/09/12 14:03, Norman Dunbar wrote:
>> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
> Actually, that should have been the following:
> 1. sudo apt-get update
> 2. sudo apt-get upgrade
> 3. sudo raspi-update
>     select the update option which updated raspi-config and exits.
> 4. sudo raspi-update
>     select the new "configure overclocking" option and choose one.
>     select finish.
>     select yes to reboot now.
> On reboot, your Raspberry Pi will be running [much] faster and, if it
> gets too hot, will slip back to normal non-turbo mode automagically.
> Cheers,
> Norm.
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