On 09/12/12 16:11, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> On 09/12/12 15:43, Tony Firshman wrote:
>> Bryan Horstmann wrote, on 9/Dec/12 11:41 | Dec9:
>>> Is Python procedure/function based like SBASIC?
> if anyone is interested, and/or if it's deemed applicable fro QL
> Today, I'd be willing to do a small Python tutorial.
>> ...
>> Python differs from most similar languages (including Perl and C) in not
>> using {} structures. It relies on indenting.
>> This is brilliant as it *forces* a readable layout.
> Yes indeed. And as long as you remember tha damned colons, which I
> always forget .... ;-)
> > ...
> Cheers,
> Norm.

I was looking at the Python 3.3.0 sourceswith a view to porting to the
QL with C68.

Do you think this would be a good idea.

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