On 25 Jan 2013, at 10:47, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> Morning all,
> I'm doing a bit more work on the next exciting episode of QL Today's LibGen 
> utility. I have spotted a huge pair of bugs in my code, viz:
> li_libfile equ $03
> ...
> li_unav    move.l #$11111111,ws_litem+li_libfile(a1)
>           bra.s li_rdrw
> ...
> li_avail   move.l #$01011101,ws_litem+li_libfile(a1)
> li_rdrw    moveq #-1,d3
>           jmp wm_ldraw(a2)
> The idea was to set 4 consecutive loose item status bytes to unavailable 
> (#wsi_mkun) in the first case, and to set three of them to available 
> (#wsi_mkav) and one to unavailable (#wsi_mkun) in the second case.
> The code above is a huge problem because li_libfile is odd, A1 is even as is 
> ws_litem at $40. I would expect an address exception at the very least.
> Running the code under QMON2 shows that I'm attempting to store a long word 
> at $43(a1) where a1 is $4ABBA6. That works out at $4ABBE9 which is most 
> definitely odd.
> In QPC, version 3.33, the above works without any exceptions. PRINT PROCESSOR 
> gives 20, I must assume that either a 68020 doesn't barf at a long word 
> access to an odd address or something is not working correctly any more!
> I've checked and rechecked my paper and pdf copies of the Motorola processor 
> manual, and there is no mention that you can do a long move to an odd address.
> I'm not running any "monitor" code that would intercept the address 
> exceptions and quietly swallow it.
> I have stepped through the code for both, and it works, the MOVE.L is carried 
> out, after executing the code at li_avail, I can see the following results at 
> $43(a1) in QMON2:
>    QMON> d $43(a1) 4
>    4ABBE9  0101 0101 004E FF6F  .....NV.
> Is it any wonder I'm confused?
> What am I missing?
> Cheers,
> Norm.

An address error occurs if an attempt is made to fetch an instruction from an 
odd address. As far as I know the 680020+ machines allow long  and word fetches 
from odd addresses - they simply take longer than if the address is on a word 


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