Am 17.04.2013 um 17:43 schrieb Marcel Kilgus:

> Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>> This seems to work with any size of window, haven't tried many sizes though.
>> Should work with an Easyptr menu too, though not tried that yet. Only run it
>> in BASIC job 0 - intend to try it as an SBASIC job and compiled at some
>> point. Only tried it in QPC2 3.34beta3 high colour 1440x900 - would be handy
>> if it could be tried on other systems to see how it works (or not).
> This mechanism only works on my "recent" pointer environments where
> background I/O is enabled. It might always work with a 0x0-sized

That was /exactly/ my concern when I asked "how did you do that". As far as I 
know, in the "classic" PE a ptr read in a background window will just block.


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