Op 17/08/2013 17:08, Per Witte schreef:
As soon as Id sent the mail I regretted my formulation. I should have said
something like "Recent improvements to QPC may have uncovered problems in
third-party software." ;)

Having cleared that up, I find there are "issues":

I am not able to get FSM on my laptop (Mac Pro running W7U) The screen
resolution is 1280x800, but whatever resolution I supply the emulation
crashes during startup.
In windowed mode strange things happen, although not consistently:
If I move the window to the right, partially offscreen, the emulator
refuses key presses or right/left click, though the pointer operates as it
should. If I do a break (CTRL+C) over the SBasic window keystrokes are
again accepted, but all(?) other programs remain recalcitrant.
Sometimes I dont get the right character, eg for x number of attempts to
enter an underscore it responds with a space instead. And then, for some
reason, it suddenly is ok again.
Finally, also associated with moving the emulation window slightly
offscreen, lines in the SBasic window get garbled. The last line entered
merges half way with the previous one, rendering it unreadable.
As I was testing this latter anomaly, I wasnt able to repeat the results,
but instead I lost the pointer completely: SBas still accepts keystrokes,
but no pointer is visible or active within the emulator. And now - I dont
know what I pressed - but the resolution of the emulator changed by itself
and the pointer reappeared..
Am I the only one getting this behaviour?


On 17 August 2013 12:16, Marcel Kilgus <ql-us...@mail.kilgus.net> wrote:

Per Witte wrote:
Thanks, Marcel, for the insights!

I think there could be a bug in the keyboard driver, as something I did
pressing some keys hung the emulation. (Its been many years since the
crash :)
Hm, strange. The code is actually pretty straight forward (at least
once you have crafted all 7 translation tables needed to get every
aspect of the keyboard handling, especially KEYROW, exactly right...).
Can't imagine how it could cause a hang, but keep me posted.

Sadly I have not been able to replicate it. I'll keep trying,
though. (Or better still to let Dilwyn loose on it. It must then
crash! :D

The transparent move mode is very cool ;)
That was of course purely Wolfgang's work. I "just" had to translate
the code into x86 assembler... TWICE because of my SSD crash :-( I
have gradually rewritten parts of QPC in C over the time, but alas
it's still a long way to go.

Cheers, Marcel

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No, You are not the only one.
This is what I can report:
1) Full Scrren Mode (selected or not) doesn't work. On Startup, a warning window pops up telling that 'QPC QL emulator doesn't work anymore'.
2) Always on top (selected or not) is always active.
3) Pointercan be moved but left and right mouse button don't work. Moving the Windows window or maximising after minimising that window reactivate these buttons.
Problem number 3 is sporadic.. difficult to reproduce.
4) this version is slower than the previous.
I use Windows 7 64 bits.
Hope this helps.

François Van Emelen

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