Op Fri, 27 Sep 2013 05:31:38 +0200 schreef Hugh Cumper <hcum...@usa.net>:

I have just received QPC from the QL Today disc having been a Qemulator user in the past and I have a couple of basic questions. The only way I can get the emulated QL to fill the screen is to drop down to 512x256 resolution and
QL Colors, is there a way to get a usable screen size and enhanced
resolution? Also the emulated machine is very fast, sometimes I need to slow
it down, I have heard of a Slug command and it is recognized but I don't
know how to use it, is there any documentation?

There is a pdf specially updated for QPC2 version 4.00 on the DVD.
Either in the emu section or the docs section.
That should be your staring point to make sure all is configured as it should be.


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