On 20/10/13 10:32, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
I’ve decided to start a QL blog. In other words, I intend to inflict my QL 
ramblings on you from day to day!

Good lusk Dilwyn. If I might offer the benefit of my experience:

1. Turn offf self-registration. If you don't you will get thousands upon thousands of spam users registering themselves and posting spam comments and possibly even articles on your blog. Ask me how I know?

2. If yo do wish people to register without bothering you, then make sure that registered users have the lowest rights available, until you promote them. Although, this option might be turned off in a wordpress.com hosted blog - I host my own.

Anyway, myBlogs->cheese->admin->Settings->Discussion is a good place to start. I've set mine to only allow commenst when they have a previously authorised comment. That way, I get to approve the first comment and from then on, they are white listed, until they start spamming, then I simply delete their user account.

I had the spam users blow out my bandwidth quotas when I went on holiday last year. I don;t take any sh!t from them these days - tolerant? Me? ;-)

3. If you allow self-registration, or even if not, insist on a username, email address and a valid set of profile details so that you can filter out the scum! Anyone on my blog without a proper first and last name is toast - expecially if they have a hotmail email address. Sad for the few good people who can't get through to my stuff, but in the end, the huge majority of spam comes with a hotmail address, so, they are toast.

However, I might still have a couple of hotmail users who requested a registration on my site.

4. I think you get Askimet turned on by default, this is pretty good for filtering out spam. I think my filtered count in in the 30,000s and I've had to do nothing!

Turn it on if yo have it.

Anyway, good luck. Also, if you have an Android phone, you can download the Wordpress app for it, and do your blog admin and posting from your phone.

I use it on my tablet when I'm on a plane and some kid, or adult, is p1551ng me off bigtime and I need to have a rant! I can type it up on my tablet and when I next get wifi, upload and publish it. It's a very good app.

I suppose Apple might have a similar ability, but as an apple-free geek, I couldn't say.

Give Ann my best regards.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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27a Lidget Hill
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