Op Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:11:37 +0200 schreef John Gilpin <thegilp...@btinternet.com>:


Can anyone out there help me not only with this information but also where it can be found. (Something like this, I like to highlight in the publication (manual etc) so that if I need it again, it stands out, thus avoiding having to re-read with great concentration, to find it.)

When you look at the MCALL keyword (page 48) of the EasyPTR4 manual you get an idea of the limits. Loose Items return their number as a negative value which runs from -1 to -1024. -1025 to -1088 is a special range for standard items like ESC, MOVE, SIZE etc, depending on the defined selection key and -1280 is reserved for MCALLT. The LI's are numbered automatically when created but this number is not part of the menucode, it's just counted from the start until the end marker, the limit is thus 1024.

App Window are created the same way and return numbers from 1 to 256.
The way the Menu-Items are calculated there (I assume a Long Word) it will limit this for all AW's to 65536 items. In S'Basic QPTR uses a 2-dimensional array and a row-list where EP uses a 3-dimensional array, which gives EP the edge. Normal S'Basic array limits apply. This was not the case with EP3 but has been fixed in the latest EP4.

As mentioned by Tobias you can draw 32 Info Windows at once with MIWDRAW but for individual IW's this mun parameter is not given as an INT. I would like to see your try and create 32K+ IW's.

You will sooner run out of option to put in the items than programming limits.


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