After following the thread, on this list, regarding the interest in Jan Jones's book "QL SuperBASIC - The Definitive Handbook", I was asked by QUANTA to see if I could set up a rapport with Jan to see if she would give QUANTA permission to re-publish her book in electronic format - PDF or e Book formats -

You may remember that the book was first published by McGraw-Hill (UK) Ltd. in 1985 and due to overwhelming demand by QUANTA Members and with Jan's permission, the QUANTA LIMITED EDITION was published in July 1989. Many QLers (both QUANTA members and non-QUANTA Members) now have copies of either the original or the QUANTA Reprint.

At first, when I contacted Jan, she expressed surprise that this book was still in such great demand and said that she would consider our proposal to re-publish the book and get back to me.

This she did later in the summer saying that she was currently(then) considering the possibility of re-publishing the book herself in electronic format and would let me know her final decision when her considerations were completed. This was the last I heard until earlier today I received the following email:-


Hi John,

I hope you are well and that the 30th anniversary celebrations went swimmingly!

I have finally managed to e publish a new edition of /QL SuperBASIC - The Definitive Handbook. /It's taken quite some while, because it proved to be impractical to scan it in - so I have retyped and reformatted it!

I believe it should be available in all Amazon markets now, and can be read on the free-to-download Kindle-for-PC software if people don't have an actual hand-held Kindle.

The link is

The new cover is lovely, the book is priced at a very reasonable £5 - the only thing missing from the original is the index, which is slightly tricky on a book with no page numbers. Kindles do have a text-search capability though, which should help.

I'd be grateful if you could spread the word.

All thebest, Jan x


I will respond to Jan's email with the thanks of all QLers for her hard work and support for the QL now in it's 310st year.

All we need to do now is to buy our copies from Amazon - see link above - My copy has been delivered by Amazon Whispernet and is just waiting for me to get back to some activity requiring Jan's expertise.

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary
and QUANTA Treasurer

On 03/11/2014 18:21, Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:

QL forever!





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