Hi All

I guess most know, but just in case. Dilwyn has done his magic again.

First with Qdock, a graphical program launching system. To be found at 
I have been using this program over the last few weeks and is very good, 
especially if you do not want a full desk type program such as LaunchPad or 
QDT. It does have a low back ground load on QL systems which for some maybe 
important. This program is not freeware, but at a cost of £10 is well worth the 
money. Do please support Dilwyn and the development of new programs. It is so 
what we need. I have submited a review to Quanta, so look out for that. There 
is also a freeware program called SPRV to view the sprites in Qdock or for that 
matter any sprites. Very usfully little program this as well.

Second is a freeware program that Dilwyn put up only the other day called 
Maqnifier http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/misc/index.html. Again a very usefull little 
program, it will magnifier a selected area of the screen by a factor of X2 to 
X8, user selectable. For use with high resolution, greater than the standard 
512 screen. But Qdock and Maqnifier push the QL platform and SMSQ to the 
limits. Dilwyn has sluged this program for good reason as explained in the 
program notes. My only comment or advice is, give the program time to update. 
It take 500ms to start the update process at the default settings, which as 
Dilwyn points out is the best setting, that does seem to be the case. Also when 
reading text files use the cursor mode to follow text much easier I find, and 
pointer mode for graphics. This is selecable from the main Maqnifier screen so 
is not a probem to change from one mode to the other.

However my main point is, do buy Qdock and support our QL programmers like 
Dilwyn. It will not make him a rich man but does give him and others the 
motivation to do more, if he can find the time.

This post is entirly my own, no input from Dilwyn at all. No, I am not being 
paid either.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

Ian Burkinshaw

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