On 18/07/15 22:36, jms1 wrote:
The real problem is the locations for the win1 to 8 is hard coded in the
scource of smsq and smsqe.

Either alter the source code, assembling or hack smsq.bin or smsqe.bin
by removing the drive locations,  and keeping the file the same length
by adding nulls after.

I have done this for years and the win files finish in the same
directory smsq(e).bin
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Please the attached screen shots, the QPC2 Device storage is not hard coded, is is configurable from the main configuration screen, by selecting the Devices option, see QPC2 Devices.png for QPC2 storage options for QXL.WIN files.

I doubt that QPC1 had the QXL.WIN hard coded either, there was a configuration file as well.

As I said Read The Fine Manual


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