Hi Derek,

> To get SMSQ/E running on a standard QL with 640K or 896K ram, the SMSQ/E 
> initialisation routine would have to re-written to use the QL internal 
> memory map.

SMSQ/E on the standard QL requires a modified ROM, and can not just 
be loaded from QDOS or Minerva. An option would be to design an 
extension with shadow RAM.

> This is one of my pet project to get running, as the SMSQ/E source code 
> is available, so should be achievable.
> But a couple of questions arise:
> 1. Is it worth the effort, when Minerva works very well and basically 
> does the same thing and can be extended where it does not.

As the QL has the slowest hardware, it would benefit most from the 

Also, a QL port of SMSQ/E would run on the Q68 with just minor 
modifictaions. (SMSQ/E has more advantages over QDOS/Minerva on the 
Q68, because of the highcolor graphics and 32 MB RAM.)

> The big difference, is that SMSQ/E has the Extended Environment 
> built-in, this can be added to Minerva at boot up, as with Language tables.
> Maybe a Minerva to SMSQ/E toolkit could be compiled from existing 
> toolkit to give Minerva the SMSQ/E functionality.

Sounds nice, but I think porting SMSQ/E to the QL is less work than 
creating an add-on.

> 2: With a Gold Card or Super Gold Card fitted, can the QL internal ram 
> be access through some type of paging mechanism?

I don't think so. Only the video area.

All the best

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