I'm trying SMSQmulator 2.14 on Raspberry Pi 2. So far everything works
fine, and I'm impressed by the fact the speed is enough for useful work,
considering it's written in Java and the RPi is a slow machine.

But I've found something strange about `dir` and the NFA device. In
order to find out the error condition I've done several tests, and it
seems the problem arises when any directory of a native file sytem path
associated to a SMSQ/E device is a symbolic link.

Example 1:

  nfa_use 1, "/tmp/ql/mnt/data/"
  nfa_use 2, "/tmp/ql/ql-LINK/mnt/data/"

Where "ql-LINK" is a symbolic link to "/tmp/ql/", and "data/" contains
"info_txt" (a file) and "basic/" ( a directory).

`dir nfa1_` works fine, it shows the directory as usual:

  basic ->

But `dir nfa2_` produces this:

  _**UNKNOWN** ->

Example 2:

  nfa_use 1, "/home/myuser/temp/ql/mnt/data/"
  nfa_use 2, "/home/myuser/temp/ql-LINK/mnt/data/"

Where "ql-LINK" is a symbolic link to "/home/myuser/temp/computer/ql/"
(where "mnt/data/" is) and both "data/" directories contain "info_txt"
(a file) and "basic/" (a directory).

`dir nfa1_` works fine:

  basic ->

But `dir nfa2_` produces this:

  ata_basic ->

Happily, it seems file access is not affected. This works fine on both
examples above:

  copy nfa1_text_txt,con_
  copy nfa2_text_txt,con_

The SMSQmulator documentation includes a detailed explanation of the NFA
and NSA devices, including the filename rules, but no mention to
symbolic links. Has anybody found any other issue about them?

Marcos Cruz
QL-Users Mailing List

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