Afternoon all. I think, but I'm not 100% certain, that the source code for Turbo, The Editor etc, by the author who's name escapes me right now, are or were online many years ago. I may even have downloaded them at some point. I remember definitely looking through the source for The Editor so I did get it somewhere legal.
Having said that, I don't remember if Cport was included. Reverse engineering a compiled SuperBasic task might be more trouble than simply rewriting from scratch? If necessary there's a program I wrote yes ago, which Dilwyn updated, that decodes a QSAVE'd program. I'm certain that could be used as the basis for a new Cport lexer perhaps. It is called something like decode_qsave or similar. There's a doc file here, I think it's Word format: - which contains a listing of the program. Doing it as new should allow the cfix stuff to be included without needing a separate task to do it. Plus, it could be made easier to translate to C - how hard could it be? ;-) To be honest, I paid for Cport all those years ago, but have used it infrequently. It's a great idea, it fell down in practice. There always seemed to be far too much work post conversion just to get a clean C68 compile,never mind getting the code to work! Cheers, Norm. On 9 July 2016 22:17:45 BST, Michael Bulford <> wrote: >On Thursday 7 July 2016, 21:29:04, Rich Mellor (RWAP) wrote : > > >> Shirley Butler (C-Fix program for use with SuperBASIC C-Port) - not >sure if she >> had any more involvement in C-Port. I also emailed Dave Walker, but >no response >> from either > >Hi Rich, >I also wrote to Shirley, but had no response. This morning, >I tried ringing her on the number she gave in the C-Fix user manual >from 1992, but this was unobtainable. Are you still in contact with >Freddy Vaccha? Perhaps he might know something. >What I would like to do is to get a copy of the source SuperBASIC code >for both C-Port and C-Fix. The idea being to update them so that they >can work fully with modern day emulators, and also to cure some bugs >and generally improve them. I have actually managed to use C-Port >with some success. Recently I have C-Ported a 58k SBASIC program into >Cee without any problems. I did of course have to keep on changing the >code until it finally Cported. The resulting Cee code certainly needed >some tinkering with before it would C68 compile. The program was a >version of the Travelling Salesman program, which I have been working >on with Steve Poole. In my opinion, C-Port is far better than its >reputation, but is certainly in need of some improvement. The C-Fix >addition is very useful, however it is not complete. The numeric array >bases have not been treated. >If however the source is unavailable, then how about reverse >engineering?Derek, have you thought any more about your idea of reverse >engineering Turbo? I would be willing to work with you jointly on >this. I am well acquainted with the Turbo parser and understand how it >works. If you can regenerate the pseudo-code for C-Port, I am sure I >could regenerate the SuperBASIC code from there. What we could end up >with is a SuperBASIC program that perhaps works, but would be totally >unreadable, since we would not know the original variable names used. >We would just have to guess at how it works. But this would be a >start. This may take some while to complete, but the more time spent >on it, the better it would become. >About the legal aspect, I would agree this may be illegal - if we go by >the letter of the law. But if we go by the spirit of the law, this may >be another matter. We would be producing something that would be of >benefit to the whole QL community. I am certain the authors of Turbo / >Cport / C-Fix would welcome our contributions. >We may not have to go down this road. Who knows - perhaps Freddy >Vaccha can come up with the goods - and supply the SuperBASIC sources. >If anybody knows him, can you please contact him and ask. >Michael > > > > > > >_______________________________________________ >QL-Users Mailing List -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List