On 15/01/2017 11:04, Derek Stewart wrote:

If the operating system is in ROM, I donot think this is going to work, also there is no or very limited Internet access for the QL systems and I do not think hacker will see QDOS/SMSQ/E as a viable target.
May I add this quote to my collection of Famous Last Words, Derek? ;)

Slowly but surely even the "QL" is becoming more connected, and who knows what new possibilities might emerge? Networked games over the Internet, email, maybe even a browser (using SBASIC as a client-side scripting language),.. Then there are all those new digital refugees - particularily the "retro-brigade" - swamping our cosy little Forum with ideas from the previous millenium, and others too, with subversive new ideas like moving pictures, and wotnext.. Terrorists could so easily slip through Commisario Vanpeebles' net, masquerading as innocent tinkerers! ;)

We live in dangerous times. A little paranoia goes a long way. In my estimate of the original question (could some kind of destructive/spy code enter the QL world from outside?): Yes, it is theoretically possible, and becomes ever more so, but at present it is _highly unlikely_. Should ever any such attack occur it would most likely come from within the QL community, and that would leave a limited number of suspects (one of, who by his own admission, has terrorist tendencies! ;) However IMHO, anyone considering developing tools or applications for the QL environment that use the Internet, should give some thought to possible dangers and risks.

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