On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, at 10:25 AM, Rich Mellor wrote:
> Taking account of my ongoing health issues, I have been considering what 
> would be best for the QL Wiki and other community projects which I 
> currently run (such as the Z88 forums, the ZX80/ZX81 forums and the 
> Sinclair QL GitHub).
> Looking at what happened with World of Spectrum when Marjin was unable 
> to continue with the site, it is important to consider the long term 
> viability and what should happen if I (for example) were to walk under a 
> bus tomorrow. My health issues also mean that I no longer have the time 
> or energy to continue in the way that I have been.
> My family would not really know what to do with the forums - and would 
> not continue to pay for the hosting. There is also not really anyone 
> else involved in the administration of the site. I also think that the 
> QL Wiki is itself a barrier to people being involved, as there are 
> certain people out there who cannot see beyond the fact that it was set 
> up by me initially and is hosted on my server - so seem to think that it 
> is my duty to update it!
> After deliberation, I think the answer is to set up a non-profit 
> organisation (Sinclair World ?) which could then own these resources and 
> be responsible for their maintenance, improvement and upkeep. It would 
> take some fund raising to set up the organisation, as well as willing 
> hands to set everything up and create the necessary constitution, 
> book-keeping etc to keep it viable.
> What do others think - and who are the willing hands?
I wonder if we could get van/rob interested in this as part of qlforum

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