during Q68 development, I'm using Jonathan Hudson's WXQT2 to access
QXL.WIN container files under Linux/Windows.

I experienced problems when writing "large" container files over 8
or 16 MB. Is this a known problem?

Are there alternatives to WXQT2, i.e. other graphical frontends to
exchange files between a PC and a QXL.WIN container?

What is the maximum size of QXL.WIN containers?

Thanks, Peter

There is also a more recent tool QXLWIN by Norman Dunbar, see link.
< https://sourceforge.net/projects/qxlwin/files/ >

This 16MB seems outdated. I use 200MB wins myself but I have heard of bigger ones.
Neither the QPC nor the SMSQ/E manual mention any MB limit.
I use a 1GB qxl.win with my QPC2. But QemuLator cannot handle it - I have to copy files to a smaller qxl.win for that.

Alain Haoui said while developing QubATA that 2GB unsigned is the maximum which can be handled by QDOS. I don't know if that applies to SMSQ/E and I don't know if it applies to qxl.win, sorry.

I use WXQT2 and although it seems temperamental on Windows 7 (sometimes won't start, or when it does start it complains about not being able to find the help file) it seems to manage to copy files from the 1GB QXL.WIN to a native Windows folder for me.

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