Op 6/09/2017 om 10:02 schreef Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users:
Giorgio Garabello via Ql-Users wrote:
It crash also viewing my BOOT file..
I don't think that is a lenght problem....
Well, it is, I have confirmed it. Can't rule out that there is another
problem of course. What happens if you use 1920x512 as a resolution?


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Sometimes 'view' doesn't crash the emulator (Qpc, Smsqmulator), it displays the chosen file but the 'busy sprite' pops up. No browsing possible.

This is, of course, less dramatic than a crash as CTRL-C and rjob solves the problem.

Can someone confirm this?

resolution 1920x1080 , file to test syssprites(_cde) from Marcel Kilgus

Have a fine day,

François Van Emelen

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