Bob Spelten via Ql-Users wrote:
> These errors were not given every time but after what looked like a proper
> reset, an newly started QD still did not do C-F6/F8.
> The QPC2 job has to be restarted before QD behaves normal again.

The OS is not write protected on QPC and only read once on startup. So
if you overwrite something then this is permanent damage.

> Under SMSQmulator the _obj also executes without opening any windows but
> the QD anomaly doesn't seem to happen there.

Memory problems are pretty random and differ between OS/platforms.

> I understand that my source _bas is faulty but what can cause such an
> upset and where do I start looking for a fix?

Check anything that might corrupt memory (e.g. PEEK, POKE, LBYTES and
any external extensions).


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