Sorry to hear that. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Derek Stewart via Ql-Users <> wrote:

> There will be a slight delay in the availability of the Q68, which I
> stated in a previous message to be available on 09/10/2017
> I have had medical problems, I went into hospital on 22/9/17, to have a
> throat operation. This should of been a one day operation.
> But there was a problem with the procedure they used and I ended up having
> a Tracheotomy Tube inserted into my airway to keep me alive.
> I stayed in The Royal Liverpool Hospital Intensive Care Unit for 12 days
> attached to a ventilator, which was assisting my breathing.
> The tube was removed and I was discharged home, to the care of a visiting
> District Nurse. The nurse changes the dressings daily.
> I have been home for 2 weeks and just now, starting to regain my strength
> and concentration.
> There was a notice posted on the QL Forum, regarding the delay, which
> obviously did not get to everyone.
> The new date will be 06/11/2017.
> Here is the link to the notice:
> I am sorry for the delay, I will try to update everyone on a regular basis.
> With regards to availability of the Q68. I have created a list of people
> who showed interest in date order. Which I will contact to arrange the sale
> of the Q68.
> --
> Regards,
> Derek
> --
> Regards,
> Derek
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