
Im particularly pleased that many of the differences in behaviour between
SMSQmulator and QPC2 have been ironed out! That means that programmers dont
have to write separate versions, or include fiddly workarounds, in their
programs. They run identically on both platforms. Amazingly, this also
includes some lower-level stuff, such as accessing many host platform
facilities - at least where they both run under Windoze. Am I right in
thinking that ssssound has also improved?

The great thing about SMSQmulator is that we now have an SMSQ/E platform
that will run on just about any host that supports Java - both now and in
the foreseeable future. Many people, me included, didnt see the point, when
Wolfgang first suggested the idea, back in 2010, in Vienna. But he has
proved his point! This is now a very usable, stable, and mature product.

Thanks Wolfgang! Im sure having fun!


On 5 November 2017 at 10:37, Wolf via Ql-Users <>

> Hi all,
> I just released SMSQmulator 2.25
> Have fun.
> Wolfgang
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