Re: [Ql-Users] Merry Christmas with SMSQ/E

Probably spotted by Dilwyn years ago, only weve forgotten.. ;)

It was a bad day for me for sure, as shortly after, thinking lightning wouldnt strike twice (and thus not being in a hurry to save..), I managed to bomb out again by feeding DISA 3.05 with a simple, chained sprite. One sprite was a mode 8 chained to a mode 4, and later, I tested a dynamic sprite: Two mode 4 sprites in a loop: Load into DISA, press defp and DO on the first line and.. well, you almost guessed it; it was more of a Ka-pfiffle, followed by wailing sirens..

On 28/12/2017 16:44, Wolf via Ql-Users wrote:

yes, that part of SMSQ/e probably hasn't been touched for ages.


On 28/12/2017 13:44, Bob Spelten via Ql-Users wrote:
Op Thu, 28 Dec 2017 07:43:13 +0100 schreef Wolf via Ql-Users <>:

yes that's a bug.
Somehow the return stack gets confused/overwitten (stack overflow!), causing a jump to a strange address where you then will get an illegal instruction error. I've checcked that, under SMSQmulator this isn't due to the replacemnt FP routines, which it isn't.

It looks like it's an old bug.
On my SGC/AUR (SMSQ/E v3.26) the Kaboom is modest.
No error is reported, it just freezes after one howl from Sysmon.
No keyboard or mouse response anymore.


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