Thanks Wolfgang (and Jan via the Forum)

Having now found what looks like the DDB - taking in to account the -$18 offset from the entry in the CDB - the resultant list of words at offset ndt_ctab ($50) looks suspicious, thus:

50:       0
52:     124
54:  -18236
56:       0
58:      36
5A:       1
6A:   20085
6C:       0
6E:     134

The '20085' at offset $6A in particular looks more like an RTS instruction than the timing constant for 'receive bit timeout'.

Anyway, I'll keep digging. Thanks!


On 19/05/2018 09:41, Wolf via Ql-Users wrote:

The best way would be to get the channel definition block (CDB) for a channel to the device. I don't know offhand of a Basic keyword that will do it for you, Toolkit III used to have such a function, I don't know whether that still available, though.

If you have that, then the pointer to the driver definition block (DDB) lies at offset chn_drvr (=4) in the CDB - you can just PEEK_L that. Be careful, however, the pointer there normally points to offset iod_iolk (=$18) within the DDB, so all other offsets should be reduced by that same amount.



On 18/05/2018 22:01, Martyn Hill via Ql-Users wrote:
Hi everyone

In the spirit of double-posting between here and the QL Forum :-) I thought I'd ask my question here, too...

I'm continuing to explore the QL network across a range of platforms - now with my refurbished QXL2 card (thanks, Derek!)

The bit-timings on the QXL under SMSQ/E v3.33 (and also on v2.76) prove to be slightly-out from the nominal 11.2us, resulting in failed/unreliable comms with both my Iss7 QL and my prototype QNET to USB adapter (still a work in progress.)

Given that the timings-constants for the NET device are exposed under SMSQ/E and stored ready for adjustment in the DDB of the NET device, I'm trying to find the base address of the DDB from SBasic.

Any help appreciated!

The original post appears here, with pictures :-)


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