Hi Bob,
I tried QD B.01 on a Q68 SMSQ/E 3.33, in 1024x768 (DISP_MODE 7) with the QD 
margin set to120 characters.
Typing past 120 characters makes the Q68 freeze.
I also tried in DISP_MODE 4 - 1024x768 4 colours. Much faster, but same 
I will try all screen resolutions and report back.
-------- Original message --------From: Bob Spelten via Ql-Users 
<ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com> Date: 23/06/2018  13:07  (GMT+00:00) To: ql-users 
<ql-us...@q-v-d.com> Cc: Bob Spelten <b...@upcmail.nl> Subject: [Ql-Users] Q68 
& QD 
There seems to be a problem with QD on my Q68.
When running Q68 in high resolution 1024x768 and the QD window is set at  
80 characters, editing is fine as long as I stay within this 80 chrs  
I can move the cursor beyond that but when a character is inserted the  
whole machine freezes.

Also with a wider QD window, typing beyond the 80 chrs margin locks up  
Setting the right margin at 100 seems to fix the problem but only moves it  
to position 101.

This was tested with QD's v9 and vB.01 and has never been a problem on  
QPC2 or SMSQmulator so seems limited to QD interacting with SMSQ/E on the  

Any ideas?

The BSJR QL software site at: "http://members.upc.nl/b.spelten/ql/";

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