Op Sun, 16 Sep 2018 00:55:45 +0200 schreef Marcel Kilgus via Ql-Users <ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com>:

I have just updated QD 2018 to version B.05:

; B.05  Implemented per-extension editor-usage (configurable) (MK)
;       Fixed BASIC usage for DEFine FuNction (MK)
;       Fixed colours in replacement confirmation dialog (MK)
;       Fixed DO on resize to keep the x window size (MK)
;       Bottom right corner stays where it is on normal resize (MK)
;       Allow CTRL+Z (mark current line) in read-only mode (MK)

As previously with the tab settings the editor-usage can now be
configured per extension, so you can say all "_bas" (or "_bsl" ;) )
files automatically invoke the "BASIC" editor usage, for example.

The rest is the stuff we've already talked about here.


Cheers, Marcel

Thanks Marcel for Being So Laborious.


The BSJR QL software site at: "http://members.upc.nl/b.spelten/ql/";

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