Op 24/12/2018 om 15:10 schreef desin via Ql-Users:
QPC 2 works here on wine-3.0.4(stable) and wine-4.0-rc2(staging)

I'm on Kanotix Steelfire
Debian Linux 4.9.0-8 (NVIDIA) and 4.19.0-3 (INTEL)

you can get it here


it comes in LXDE and KDE flavours

Greetings from Switzerland

QL-Users Mailing List


I installed Linux Mint 19 on an old laptop a few months ago and although I am not a tinkerer everything went smoothly. QPC was installed without problems and runs as expected without complaining except THE QPC CD-AUDIO MODULE.

Have a fine day

François Van Emelen

QL-Users Mailing List

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